Swastika Meaning

The name suggests- “Swastika”, in Sanskrit, ‘Su’ means good and ‘Asta’ means existence/power, which gives the combined meaning: “The Existence of good” or “good fortune”.


Swastika Origin

The Swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol that emerged around 3000 BCE during the Indus Valley Civilization. Since then, it has not lost its essence and importance even today.


Power of Swastika

Knowing its popularity and reach, one cannot deny the enormous power it holds. Using Swastika daily, you can attain the good fortune, mental peace, and other benefits.


Various powers of Swastika are:

– Protection from evil. – Mental and spiritual peace. – Protects pregnant women and children.


Various powers of Swastika are:

– Saves from Vastu dosh. – Proceeds Wealth and Good fortune. – Long life to goods.
