House of Demise and regeneration.

As a “house of the past,” it houses painful and joyful memories. It concerns our deepest psychological patterns and their relationship to our ultimate purpose in life. 


Importance of Moon in 8th House

The eighth House is all about sex, death and rebirth. It’s a very intense place, so you must be careful when working with this part of your chart because it can be overwhelming.


Effects of Moon in 8th House

– Moon in 8th House means you are sensitive to the feelings of others, and you feel the pain of others. – You are an introvert, intuitive and psychic. You are emotional; easy to get involved with your emotions and give too much importance to them at times.


Moon in 8th House for Different Ascendants

These are the main Zodiac sign ascendants that get influenced by Moon in the 8th House:


Libra Ascendant

If you have a Libra Ascendant, for example, your mother likely played a significant role in helping you develop as an individual by teaching you values of fairness and equality.


Pisces Ascendant

If you have Pisces Ascendant, then your parents probably had an emotionally distant relationship.


Capricorn Ascendant

If you have Capricorn Ascendant, then your mother likely helped you develop as an individual by teaching values of responsibility and hard work.


Aquarius Ascendant

The Moon in the 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant can show a mother who was very detached and emotionally unavailable.


Scorpio Ascendant

Similarly, if you have a Scorpio Ascendant and your mother is still alive today, chances are she plays a vital role in providing emotional support for her child (you).


Remedies for Moon in 8th House

Aromatherapy Yoga Meditation


The eighth House is the House of demise and regeneration.

As a “house of the past,” it houses painful and joyful memories. Moreover, it concerns our deepest psychological patterns and their relationship to our ultimate purpose in life.
