Aries Monthly Horoscope

Per your monthly horoscope predictions, the Sun will be in the sign of Leo, alongside Venus. This will give you the opportunity to flaunt your unique abilities and push you towards a brighter future.


Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Are you looking for the best time to indulge in new opportunities? Then, September is the right time to do it! The presence of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus in their own signs will result in situations that will help you grow.


Gemini Monthly Horoscope

The monthly horoscope predictions for September say that the placement of the Sun in the Third House and the sign of Leo will intensify your efforts and welcome the results you deserve.


Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Your Finance House lord, the Sun, is in the sign of Leo till the 17th of this month. This positioning will offer you a chance to change your economic or financial situation. Also, if you have been stressing about your work or business, now is the time to stop worrying!


Leo Monthly Horoscope

The lord of your luck, Mars, is seen to be in the House of your career as per your monthly horoscope predictions. This positioning will welcome achievements in your life. Also, you will be able to overcome every challenge that comes your way.


Virgo Monthly Horoscope

This month will prove to be highly promising for you and enable you to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. It will help if you remember to build good compatibility and rapport with your coworkers.


Libra Monthly Horoscope

Venus, your sign lord, is placed with the Sun in the Eleventh House of gains, and this will ensure that all your financial problems cease to exist and your unbalanced economic equation gets back on track.


Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Your leadership qualities will allow you to tackle tense situations efficiently. So, the presence of retrograde Saturn in your Third House of hard work or efforts will give you the adequate results of your constant input.


Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius-born people like you can expect to receive some benefits, most of which will aid towards a more secure future. This month, you must be careful about the projects you’re engaged in as it could give rise to some unpleasant situations.


Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

While Mercury changes its motion by the second week of September in your Ninth House of luck, it might become less promising for you. However, it will create an auspicious Yoga that will help you increase your efforts and the results of those efforts.


Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

When the Sun enters Virgo to join already combust and exult Mercury, it will put some pressure or stress upon you. But, per your monthly horoscope predictions, Mercury will help you maintain a good relationship or equation with your family members.


Pisces Monthly Horoscope

During September, your sign lord Jupiter will be in your sign, moving through indirect motion. This will suggest you to think before acting. Furthermore, with retrograde Saturn in your Eleventh House, luck will present you with a perfect balance between your income and expenditure.
